Tuesday 14 August 2012

Summer is almost over...

Summer is almost over and it has been amazing!!! This summer I had one of the best experience of my life. I saw places that I have never seen before. Made friendships that will last forever and memories that will never fade. Wondering what I did? Well... I played basketball!
Oregon city, Seattle, Arizona and  San Diego. This summer has changed my life and I can't wait for next year, and the year after,and the year after that..  I love basketball and I love the life that I have  been given.


Recently I have been playing with my new Highschool team... Prairie. We just got back from team camp at OSU. It was a lot of fun and we Came in second for spirit and third place in the camp tourney. It Was really fun, can't wait for next season!

Great day to be a Falcon? Hell yeah!